Monthly Prediction
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2011 Yearly Prediction | Monthly Prediction | Daily Prediction | Guru Peyarchi (Jupiter Transit)

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January 2011

Yearly Prediction
Monthly Prediction
Daily Prediction


Monthly predictions zodiac wise for the year 2011 are loaded here.

Monthly predictions: Monthly predictions are written considering the fast moving grahas (planets) viz., Surya (Sun), Budha (Mercury), Sukra (Venus) and Chevvai (Mars) which takes about 1 month to cross 1 house or Rasi or zodiac with due consideration to slow moving planets like Guru (jupiter), Shani (Saturn) Rahu & Ketu (Lunar Nodes).

Yearly Predictions: Yearly predictions are written considering slow moving planets which takes a year or more than a year to cross 1 Rasi (zodiac) Viz., Shani (Saturn), Rahu & Ketu (Lunar nodes, North & south respectively) and Guru (Jupiter)

Daily Predictions: It considers mainly the movement of Moon (with due consideration of all other 8 planets)

Please select the month from the left side navigation panel or from below:

Monthly prediction for January 2011:

Aries - Mesha| Taurus - Rishabha| Gemini - Mithuna | Cancer - Kataka| Leo - Simha| Virgo - Kanni|

Libra - Tula| Scorpio - Vrichika| Sagittarius - Dhanus| Capricon - Makara| Aquarius - Kumbha| Pisces-Meena









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